'Dual Use Dilemma in Biological Research' training

On Tuesday, April 10 from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in Room 328 of Colvard Student Union, the Office of Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State will host a session for the Responsible Conduct of Research series titled "The Dual Use Dilemma in Biological Research."

Join Patricia Cox, the university's biological safety officer, and FBI Special Agent Brandon Grant, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) coordinator, for an enlightening discussion of the current issues and controversies surrounding certain types of biological research that could be misused to threaten public health or agriculture.

Topics will include federal government actions, the current controversy surrounding the request for redaction of information for publication in two scientific journals -- Science and Nature -- involving highly pathogenic avian influenza, and how researchers should assess their own research in terms of dual use.

Grant will discuss the FBI's involvement with dual use research, and how the agency is developing strategies to enhance communication between academia and law enforcement.

Please register to attend this at https://www.research.msstate.edu/trainingnew/rcr/index.php

If you have questions, please contact ORED at 662-325-3570.

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