ORED taking applications for Oak Ridge Associated Universities grant

The Office of Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State University is accepting applications for the Oak Ridge Associated Universities Ralph E. Powe Jr. Junior Faculty Enhancement Award.

The ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards provide seed money for research by junior faculty at ORAU member institutions. These awards are intended to enrich the research and professional growth of young faculty and result in new funding opportunities.

This is a limited submission. Click here to download an application form and additional information.

Faculty who are interested in being considered for a ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award should provide the following information by 5 p.m. on Nov. 27 to the Office of Research and Economic Development electronically to Teresa Gammill at tgammill@research.msstate.edu and copied to Jessica Northcutt at jnorthcutt@research.msstate.edu in the ORED office:

1. A one-page abbreviated resume in PDF format with a second page listing publications and/or presentations.

2. A completed application form in PDF format

3. Nomination letter in PDF format from your chair or dean emailed by the chair or dean to tgammill@research.msstate.edu and copied to jnorthcutt@research.msstate.edu

4. Collaboration Support Letter (if any) in PDF format

5. A two-page research proposal that should address the following:

-- research goals and objectives and relevant background

-- expected research outcomes and relevance

-- research design and methodology

-- competence of the applicant to perform the proposed research

-- the available research facilities and resources

-- a budget justification

-- (optional) an additional single page of references relating to the proposal.

Based upon responses, a committee of faculty members will screen applications and select the two nominees to represent the Mississippi State. Faculty members selected to represent the university will be notified for approval to go forward with a complete application to ORAU.

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