ORCS now offering online NIH recombinant DNA training

The Office of Regulatory Compliance and Safety at Mississippi State is now offering an online training course covering the National Institutes of Health guidelines for research involving recombinant DNA (rDNA) molecules. This training is designed to familiarize principal investigators (PI) and laboratory personnel with the NIH guidelines.

The guidelines are standards for containment and safe research practices involving the manipulation of genetic material from animals, plants and microorganisms. PIs are responsible for knowing the guidelines and training lab personnel as it pertains to their research.

The training covers the types of experiments that require NIH oversight; the responsibilities of the NIH, the Institutional Biosafety Committee, and the principal investigator; and explains the use of the IBC application and Research Review for Biosafety forms.

Please follow the steps listed below to access the training:

1. Click http://orc.msstate.edu/quicklinks/training.php

2. Click vertical Tab No. 4 -- Biosafety

3. Scroll down to find the instructions for accessing the training.

4. You will need to enter your NetID and password for access.

To request department-specific training or if you have any questions, please contact Patricia Cox at pcox@research.msstate.edu or 662-325-0620.

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