In conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Month, Student Counseling Services and Human Resources Management at Mississippi State University are offering workshops for the campus community that highlight the importance of mental wellness.

A dozen MSU employees received 2012 Donald Zacharias Distinguished Staff Awards during annual Staff Appreciation Day activities May 18. Pictured are (front row, from left) Kenneth Graves, dairy herder, Animal and Dairy Sciences; Calvin Mosley, associate director, Housing and Residence Life; Mary Vaughn, associate director, Assessment and Testing Services; Judith Goodman, business coordinator, Mathematics and Statistics; William "Vic" Nickels, sergeant, Parking Services; and David Brand, research associate II, Plant and Soil Sciences; (back row, from left) Danette Barrier, administrative assistant II, College of Arts and Sciences; Deidre Edwards, office associate, Center for Student Activities; Aretina Hankerson, administrative assistant, Relationship Violence and Outreach; MSU President Mark Keenum; Marva Faye Clark, custodian, Housing and Residence Life; Janie Cirlot-New, director, T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability; and Bricklee Miller, director, Mississippi Horse Park. PHOTO: Russ Houston | University Relations
In conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Month, Student Counseling Services and Human Resources Management at Mississippi State University are offering workshops for the campus community that highlight the importance of mental wellness.
The Office of Research and Economic Development will again be conducting an academic leadership program for selected faculty at Mississippi State University. The 2012-13 program will begin in September, and nominations are being accepted until May 31.
The offices of the Provost and Executive Vice President and Vice President for Research and Economic Development, the Bagley College of Engineering, and the Energy Institute cordially invite the Mississippi State University community to attend a June 6 retirement reception honoring Glenn Steele and recognizing his contributions to MSU over the past 33 years.
Effective risk management is an important aspect of managing a safe laboratory. In June, the Office of Regulatory Compliance and Safety at Mississippi State is offering an interactive class for principal investigators, lab managers, research associates and graduate students designed to provide information on how to conduct a risk assessment and to effectively manage risk in the lab.
The Office of Regulatory Compliance and Safety is offering an interactive, hands-on training course on general laboratory safety. "Introduction to Laboratory Safety" is a three-hour seminar for laboratory users of all experience levels. The next session of the summer takes place June 13.
The Maroon Volunteer Center at Mississippi State details a number of volunteer opportunities for the campus community in its current newsletter, including Red Cross disaster training, Togo medical mission drive, the MSU Alumni Association tennis tournament, and much more.
University Health Services at Mississippi State reminds the campus community of several important policies for its patients to keep in mind when seeking treatment, parking, refilling a prescription online, and privacy.
resource for Mississippi State University employees.
Web links are subject to change. Submit news, questions or comments to Jim Laird.
For this weekend's Southeastern Conference Baseball Tournament, the league's motto was the "Road Begins in Hoover." People quickly found out that road was paved with maroon bricks. A team hotter than the weather, 21st-ranked Mississippi State shut out Vanderbilt 3-0 Sunday afternoon to claim the school's seventh conference tournament championship before a Maroon-dominated 12,526 cowbell-clanging fans at Regions Park.
Two Mississippi State University scientists are taking on new leadership roles at the university's Delta Research and Extension Center in Stoneville. Jimmy Avery, who has served as the MSU Extension Service aquaculture specialist since 1999, has been named director of the Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. David Wise, a research professor with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, has been named coordinator of the Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center.
Beginning Tuesday, construction activity will begin for the resurfacing of Blackjack Road. The limits of the construction will be from Locksley Way through the roundabout. This work is scheduled to continue through the end of July. Traffic control measures will be used to allow traffic to continue to pass through this area, but delays should be expected.
The Joe Frank Sanderson Center at Mississippi State has a special deal for you this summer. The center's special Summer Fun membership is now available for all faculty and staff. Summer Fun membership rates for adults are $90 per person and $25 for each child -- for the whole summer.