Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program underway

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Mississippi State has a long association with the Fulbright Scholar Program with over 50 MSU faculty from a variety of disciplines having received Fulbright U.S. Scholar awards since 1954. MSU has also welcomed many international scholars to our campus through the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program.

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program recently opened its 2023-24 competition with over 400 awards in 130 countries featured in the Catalog of Awards, which includes teaching, researching and professional project opportunities. On this webpage are links to other program resources including eligibility information, timeline, review criteria, and FAQs: Catalog of Awards -- https://awards.cies.org.

Important cycle dates include:

-- Application Deadline: September 15, 2022
-- Technical reviews by program staff: September 2022
-- U.S. peer review: October and November 2022
-- Peer review status notification: November through December 2022
-- In-country review and final decisions: December 2022 through April 2023
-- Final selection status notification: January through May 2023

There are many available web resources to assist in the U.S. Scholar application process:

-- Application instructions: https://cies.org/sites/default/files/documents/U.S.%20Scholar%20Application%20Instructions%202021.pdf

-- Archived and upcoming webinars: https://apply.iie.org/portal/scholar_webinars

-- Schedule of office hours when staff will be available to answer questions on opportunities in particular regions: https://apply.iie.org/portal/office_hours

The MSU International Institute welcomes questions from faculty who are interested in applying. If you have questions, please email Fulbright scholar liaison Cathy Curtis at ccurtis@international.msstate.edu, who will be glad to assist.

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