Nominations sought for Zacharias Distinguished Staff Awards
This file photo is of the 2019 Zacharias Distinguished Staff Award recipients being congratulated by President Mark Keenum (center). Honorees recognized in 2019 were (front, l-r) Cathy Evans, Margaret Dotson, Judy Hammett, Julie Capella and Debra Price; (middle, l-r) Marc Measells, Ken Stewart, Keenum, Debbie Wade and Colby Pennington; (back, l-r) Wayne Philley, Amelia Rogers and Vemitra White. The nomination deadline for this year's Zacharias Distinguished Staff Awards is April 2. PHOTO: Beth Wynn | Public Affairs
Staff Council needs your help nominating outstanding Mississippi State University employees for the Zacharias Distinguished Staff Award. Twelve winners will be presented with a plaque of recognition and a check for $1,000. Awards will be presented in a private ceremony with President Mark E. Keenum on a date to be determined, and publicly announced during the Virtual Staff Appreciation Day event scheduled for May 7 from 10 a.m. to noon.
To be eligible for the award the nominee must be classified as a professional or support staff employee, be in good standing, work at least half-time, have a minimum of three years of service, have never been a recipient of the award, and meet the following nomination criteria:
-- Exemplifies professionalism and dedication to MSU by performing beyond the call of duty to improve service, quality, and image of the department/unit.
-- Serves as a positive role model for other faculty, staff, and/or students.
-- Demonstrates outstanding accomplishments of significance based on initiative, cooperation, and ability to perform a job successfully.
-- Demonstrates a high degree of competence and expertise.
-- Works beyond the boundaries of the job by participating in university or community service projects.
Nomination process
-- Nomination forms will be accepted from MSU administrators, faculty, staff and students.
-- Previous winners may be viewed at
-- The nominator must complete a nomination form (pdf format) at This form can be filled out at the pdf format link and printed, or you may pick-up a paper copy from Kelly LaSalle at 313 Memorial Hall. Please provide as much information as possible for each section. If you are unsure, please ask others or the nominee for assistance in completing the form. A letter of support is not required. If additional space is needed, attach an additional page. A maximum of five total pages, including the nomination form, are allowed. Additional pages will not be reviewed.
-- The nomination deadline is April 2. The form should be sent to Cristi Stevens at Mail Stop 9556, MSU Welcome Center, Mississippi State, MS 39762 or emailed to