Day One Leadership Community seeks faculty and staff mentors

Day One Leadership

The Day One Leadership Community at Mississippi State is currently searching for dedicated faculty and staff members to be team mentors for freshmen during the upcoming fall semester.

Day One is a service-learning community for entering freshmen in which students take a two-credit course on leadership and apply what they learn towards 20 hours of community service in the fall semester.

A mentor is a faculty or staff member who guides a single team of five to seven students toward the completion of its community service project over the semester. Mentors help coordinate the efforts of the team with the needs of the community and help the team members develop their leadership skills.

Mentor duties include meeting with their teams each Wednesday from 10-10:50 a.m. to coach them on their service-learning project, and grading reflections that the students submit online. Mentors typically spend 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours per week, including Wednesday class time, on Day One responsibilities.

Volunteering to be a Day One mentor is a great way to help entering freshmen transition into college life and to satisfy one’s own desire to serve the community.

Visit for more information about Day One at MSU.

If you would like to volunteer for this rewarding experience, please contact Matt Interis at or (662) 325-4787.

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