Summer Student Science Symposium taking abstracts from grads, undergrads

The Mississippi Academy of Sciences second-annual Summer Student Science Symposium will take place July 26 at Bost Conference Center at Mississippi State University. Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to submit an abstract and register to attend this special event.

The symposium is designed to bring student researchers across all branches of science divisions to present their research findings through poster presentation and interact with their peers and the scientific communities; explore career opportunities; make personal contacts that can lead to job opportunities; receive information from potential employers; enhance communication and networking skills; establish professional relationships; find out about internships and job opportunities with companies, universities, and USDA-ARS.

Students conducting research in the areas of agriculture and plant sciences; molecular biology, pathology, entomology, genetics, chemistry, health sciences, outcomes and population or related subjects are highly encouraged to participate and compete for prestigious awards.

There will be three student award categories with five winners in each. In each category, the first, second and third place winners will receive cash and certificates, and fourth and fifth places will receive an honorable mention certificates. All 15 winners from three categories will receive complementary one year membership to MAS. The categories for outstanding student poster presentations are: (1) undergraduate, (2) Graduate, and Post-Doc/Residents.

The deadline to submit an abstract is July 2. Learn more at

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