SMART modifying shuttle routes for summer

Starkville-MSU Area Rapid Transit (SMART) has modified several routes beginning last Friday [May 13] and continuing through Aug. 11.

* The Sportsplex Express will service the Wise Center and Forest Products. The on-campus terminus will continue to be Montgomery Hall. During this time, the Sportsplex Express will only operate with one shuttle, and service times will be delayed.

* The Research Loop will also service Montgomery Hall and hub with the Sportsplex Express and Highway 12 Express.

* The Boardtown North, Boardtown South, Highway 12 Express, Old Main Express, and the Golden Triangle Regional Airport Express will continue to operate as usual during the summer.

* The Central Loop, South Loop and the Greek Loop will not be in operation from May 13-Aug. 11. Regular service will resume on Aug. 12.

Please call 662-325-5204 with any questions about the summer schedule, or visit for additional information.

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