HRM hosting workplace bullying seminar

What is workplace bullying and how do you identify it? The Department of Human Resources at Mississippi State invites faculty and staff to a special workplace bullying seminar this week.

Bill Badzmierowski with Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) will deliver this interactive and informative session on Thursday [Oct. 1] from 9-11 a.m. in the Foster Ballroom of the Colvard Student Union.

Participants in this presentation will be empowered to:

-- Define workplace bullying

-- Identify related concepts

-- Recognize characteristics of workplace bullying

-- Participate in a case study group discussion

-- Establish or maintain a workplace culture of "Respect, Service, and Safety at Work."

Registration is open. If you would like to attend this session, please follow the instructions below to enroll:

1. Go to

2. Under Upcoming Workshops, click on "Workplace Bullying."

3. Click on "Register for the workshop" directly below the course description.

4. Enter your MSU NetID and password. Follow the instructions to complete your registration.

Seating is limited. Please register as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about registration for this course or require special assistance relating to a disability, please contact Darrell Easley at or 662-325-3713.

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