Holmes Cultural Diversity Center seeks volunteers

The Richard Holmes Cultural Diversity Center at Mississippi State University again is seeking host families and individual mentors for its Linking Internationals in the Community program.

Those interested are asked to complete an online application, which must be submitted by Aug. 1 at 5 p.m. at www.linc.msstate.edu/prospective.

"The LINC program is an opportunity for families and mentors to share their favorite traditions and customs of American culture, while also learning about the international student's culture," said Rachel Ross, Holmes Cultural Diversity Center program coordinator.

While participating students will not reside with the local residents, they will be joining host families and individual mentors for various events, including ones sponsored by the HCDC throughout the 2015-16 academic year. Families and individual mentors also will have opportunities to schedule events on their own.

Additional LINC information is available from Ross at 662-325-2691 or rmr288@saffairs.msstate.edu.

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Sasha Steinberg | Public Affairs

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