Distance Education's 'Lunch & Learn' Wednesday
The Center for Distance Education at Mississippi State University again will host its popular Lunch & Learn series this fall.
Faculty and staff are invited to attend these sessions, all of which will be held in Memorial Hall's Coskrey Auditorium. Lunch begins at 11:45 a.m., and the program runs from noon to 1 p.m.
The series opens on Wednesday [Sept. 17] with "MSU Distance Students: Looking at Online Programs from Their Perspective." Steve Taylor will provide an overview of a recent Noel-Levitz survey of MSU distance students, and discuss what students like about their MSU experience, as well as what they would like to see changed.
There is no charge for the luncheon seminar, but RSVPs to mkt@distance.msstate.edu are required by Monday [Sept. 15].
Future dates are Oct. 23 and Nov. 19 with topics to be announced.