CISE launches iPad learning lab


Associate professor Margaret Pope (left) and lecturer Manya Chappell test the new devices and apps that are part of the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education's new iPad learning lab. PHOTO: Megan Bean | Public Affairs

Donations to the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education at Mississippi State University recently helped the department purchase an iPad learning lab. The lab consists of a 15 iPads and a cart for storing, locking, charging and syncing the devices.

A variety of apps for teaching content in many different subject areas has been installed in the iPads. MSU instructors can use those apps or select appropriate apps for their courses. The cart can be checked out by faculty in Allen Hall who want to give their students experiences using the iPad as a tool for teacher education.

The department recognizes that more and more of MSU's teacher education graduates are going to be teaching in schools that have a wide variety of instructional technology. There are several districts not too far away where the schools have one-to-one laptop or tablet programs. That means that every student receives a laptop computer or a tablet computer and teachers use those for their instruction.

CISE wants to pre-service teachers to have experiences using e-books, learning games, instructional videos, movie making and other tools for teaching content areas. It will also use the iPads to teach about using technology to accommodate students with special needs and to differentiate instruction.

The will be stored at the Teaching and Learning Center in Allen Hall where faculty will be able to reserve the carts online and check them out to use in classes.

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