University hosting PERS seminar in April


Human Resources Management at Mississippi State University is hosting a PERS pre-retirement, full-day seminar on April 10, 2013, at Bost Extension Center.

PERS pre-retirement full-day seminars offer general information on a range of topics including estate planning, Mississippi Deferred Compensation Plan and Trust, Social Security benefits, and PERS benefits and options.

These seminars, which run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., are offered to any covered PERS member at no cost, but pre-registration of members, their spouses and their guests is required. If a spouse or guest is a PERS member, please register them separately.

To register online for a full-day seminar, please click here or call the PERS Customer Service Center at 601-359-3589 or 800-444-7377.

Pre-retirement full-day seminars do not provide individual counseling sessions, though each registered member will receive an explanation of benefits from PERS. Members who prefer an individual counseling session may call the PERS Customer Service Center at 601-359-3589 or 800-444-7377 to schedule an appointment with a PERS representative.

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