Faculty, staff volunteers needed to work move-in days

Move-In Day -- MVNU2MSU -- is a very important time in the life of Mississippi State's first-year students and their family members. In order to accommodate large groups participating in New Maroon Camp and sorority recruitment, the university will host three organized move-in days this year.

Faculty and staff are invited to assist on Tuesday, Aug. 8; Friday, Aug. 11; and Saturday, Aug. 12, as the Mississippi State family welcomes the class of 2021 to campus. Volunteer shifts and registration information is online at:

MVNU2MSU 2017 Group Volunteer Form - https://cmosley.wufoo.com/forms/kbmdbvq014exyv

MVNU2MSU 2017 Individual Volunteer Form - https://cmosley.wufoo.com/forms/zsw9m0g1bab0se

Please contact Claire Wilson at cwilson@saffairs.msstate.edu if you have any questions about MVNU2MSU 2017.

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