Tuesday afternoon seminar tackles writing the NIH, NSF biosketch
The Office of Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State invites interested faculty, staff and graduate students to a Writing the NIH and NSF Biosketch seminar on Tuesday [March 8] from 2-5 p.m. in the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems seminar room.
This hands-on workshop sponsored by the Writing Center at MSU and MSU Libraries will provide an opportunity to work on the NIH and NSF biosketch. Sample forms and writing strategies will be shared. Participants are encouraged to download the appropriate form and bring a draft of their biosketch to the workshop.
Presenters for this session include Deborah Lee, professor and coordinator for graduate student services in the MSU Libraries and co-director of the MSU QEP, and Stacy Kastner, associate director for the Writing Center and assistant professor in the Department of English.
Please register online for this seminar at www.research.msstate.edu/workshops.
If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Taylor at 662-325-3168 or ltaylor@research.msstate.edu.