Relay for Life in the Junction on Friday
Students, faculty and staff, as well as members of the local community, are invited to the fifth-annual Relay for Life event in the Junction at Mississippi State University on Friday [April 4] from noon to midnight.
Relay for Life is a 12-hour event focused around celebrating cancer survivors, remembering those who lost the cancer battle, and fighting back against cancer. This year's theme is "Making Relay Wishes Come True," and teams will have Disney themed booths set up with food, games and plenty of family fun. The event will include a variety of live entertainment, music and more.
There are two special ceremonies planned to honor cancer survivors, caretakers and those who have lost their battle with cancer:
-- Survivor ceremony: 6 p.m.
-- Luminaria ceremony: 9 p.m.
For more information, please contact JuLeigh Baker at