Shelby Grice, a Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station lab technician, shows middle schoolers a display with white admiral and viceroy butterflies during the recent Bug and Plant Camp. The summer, week-long experience introduces young students to insect collection and preservation, while also familiarizing them with habitats. The annual camp is sponsored by the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology. PHOTO: David Ammon | Agriculture and Natural Resources Marketing
MSU creates groundbreaking cotton quality model to aid farmers
Does climate change have an impact on the quality of cotton? Mississippi State scientists hope to answer that question with a new way to monitor the environmental impacts on the cash crop throughout the growing season. Researchers in the university’s Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station -- in collaboration with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Nebraska Water Center and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service -- have produced the world’s first cotton quality module -- a part of a larger forecasting tool -- allowing cotton producers to better monitor crop quality under changing environmental conditions.
Free learning opportunities via LinkedIn Learning available to faculty, staff and students
Sharpen skills. Explore new interests. Increase professional value. These and other results are now available via no-cost learning opportunities to Mississippi State faculty, staff and students through MSU’s new agreement with LinkedIn Learning. A popular, online education platform, LinkedIn Learning’s 20,000-plus courses are available to campus via a quick login using their MSU NetID email addresses. With self-paced learning, courses are presented in various formats, including bite-sized video, audio only and in-depth content. The platform is directly integrated with Canvas, the university’s learning management system. MSU faculty can use it to supplement course material or even develop and load their own content onto the platform.
Reminder: University policy addresses employee political activity
With campaigning for elected offices underway this year, Mississippi State's Office of General Counsel offers the following reminder of the university’s policy on political activities. There are several basic guidelines that university employees should keep in mind when engaging in any form of political activity. MSU employees are encouraged to review OP 01.14: Political Activities in its entirety and to understand their rights and responsibilities.
Smoke-free policy enhances healthy environment
Mississippi State University is a smoke-free campus. Official policy prohibits the use of any combustible or vapor products anywhere on campus property including university buildings, university grounds, university vehicles, parking areas and sidewalks. The smoke-free campus policy is part of the university's commitment to creating a healthy environment for all members of the campus community. Use of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah or other similar devices are prohibited by this policy. The complete policy is available at
The Office of Public Affairs provides Maroon MEMO as a general information
resource for Mississippi State University employees.
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Jim Laird.