June 14 deadline for SECU Academic Leadership Development Program

SECU is an organization of university provosts established to help advance the teaching, research and service missions of the Southeastern Conference member institutions, with a focus on areas unrelated to athletics. One of the SECU initiatives has been to develop an Academic Leadership Development Program (ALDP).

The purpose of the SECU ALDP is to identify, develop, prepare, and advance academic leaders from within the faculty and administration of the SEC institutions to build a pool of individuals better prepared for such positions as provosts, deans, and department chairs/heads. The program will prepare current and potential leaders by:

1. Developing knowledge and skills required for leading faculty and academic programs.

2. Teaching the managerial and organizational skills required to lead complex organizations.

ALDP Fellows
Nominations are being solicited for two to four ALDP fellows from among the tenured faculty (full professor) of Mississippi State University. The nominees should be individuals who have made progress toward or expressed a strong interest in leadership roles on or off campus or who may currently be in a administrative position (i.e., Department Head, Associate Dean). Expectations for ALDP fellows are:

1. Attend two ALPD workshops. The first workshop will be held October 14-16, 2019, at Vanderbilt University, and the second will be held usually in February 19-21, 2016, at the University of Florida.

2. Prepare in advance for workshops by reading preparatory materials, etc. that will be provided.

3. Serve as mentors to 2020-2021 MSU ALDP fellows.

Nomination submissions
Nominations should be submitted to the Office of The Provost and Executive Vice President by June 14, 2019, and must include a statement by nominees regarding their interest in university leadership, an abbreviated biographical sketch, and support letters from both the Department Head and the College Dean.

To help with this process the nominees should complete the nomination form. Download the form by clicking here.

All costs associated with attendance at the workshops will be covered by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President.

MSU Liaison
The ALDP fellows will be accompanied to the workshops by our MSU ALDP Liaison Officer, Peter Ryan, who is currently serving as the Chair of Liaison Officers.

If you have any questions regarding this program or the nomination process please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ryan at ryan@provost.msstate.edu or Ardra Morgan at amorgan@provost.msstate.edu or (662) 325-3742.

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