2015 Interfaith Dialogue set for Hunter Henry Center this week

The 2015 Interfaith Dialogue at Mississippi State will take place on Tuesday [Oct. 27] at the Hunter Henry Center. The program will begin at 5 p.m. with an interfaith involvement fair and social followed by the university's annual interfaith dialogue from 6-7:45 p.m. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be provided.

Members of the MSU or surrounding communities that have an interest in interfaith cooperation are invited to attend. The evening's focus is on making religion a bridge and not a barrier.

This year's topic is "Forgiveness: what is it, how do we extend it to self and others." The discussion will be led by Albert Bisson, Susan Hall, Lynn Holt, Rani Sullivan and Seth Oppenheimer.

Belief-based community and campus organizations can reserve a free table for the involvement fair by completing the table request form at https://orgsync.com/56643/forms/166667.

The Interfaith Dialogue is the kick-off event for the President's Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge, which is an initiative launched by the White House inviting institutions of higher education to commit to a year of interfaith and community service programming on campus and in the community. In this program, diverse campus groups work alongside community organizations to perform community service and build interfaith cooperation throughout campus and community.

For more information, visit www.msuinterfaithchallenge.com or contact the Office of Student Leadership and Community Engagement at Mississippi State at 662-325-0244.

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